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A specialized button widget for leaving a Dyte meeting. This widget is designed in accordance with the Dyte UI Kit and facilitates a seamless exit process from a meeting environment.


Here is how you can use the DyteLeaveButton in your Flutter application:

dyteMobileClient: yourDyteMobileClientInstance,
height: 50.0,
width: 50.0,


  • dyteMobileClient: (Required) An instance of DyteMobileClient used to perform the leave meeting operation.
  • designToken: (Optional) An instance of DyteDesignTokens for customizing the appearance according to the Dyte Design System. If not specified, the widget will default to the global design tokens.
  • height: (Optional) The height of the button. If not specified, it defaults to a predefined size based on the design tokens.
  • width: (Optional) The width of the button. If not specified, it defaults to a predefined size based on the design tokens.


  • Customizable Size: The size of the button can be adjusted using the height and width properties.
  • Consistent Styling: Adheres to the Dyte Design System for visual consistency across the Dyte UI Kit.
  • Leave Dialog: Upon pressing the button, a confirmation dialog is displayed to the user to prevent accidental meeting exits.
