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Accessible via self key within the meeting object, the local user object consists of all the information related to the current participant and methods to configure media and other states.


Here is a list of properties that local user provides:


  • userId: User ID of the local user.
  • customParticipantId: Identifier provided by the developer while adding the participant.
  • organizationId: The ID of the organization the meeting is created from.
  • name: Contains Name of the local user.
  • picture: Display picture URL for the local user.
  • permissions: The permissions related to various capabilities for the local user defined by the preset


  • mediaPermissions: The current audio and video permissions given by the local user.
  • audioTrack: The audio track for the local user.
  • rawAudioTrack: The audio track for the local user without any middleware applied on it.
  • videoTrack: The video track for the local user.
  • rawVideoTrack: The video track for the local user without any middleware applied on it.
  • screenShareTracks: The screen share video and audio tracks for the local user.
  • audioEnabled: A boolean value indicating if the audio currently enabled.
  • videoEnabled: A boolean value indicating if the video currently enabled.
  • screenShareEnabled: A boolean value indicating if the screen share is currently enabled.


  • waitlistStatus: Indicates if the local user has been waitlisted or not. It can take the following values:

    "accepted" | "waiting" | "rejected" | "none"
  • isPinned: A boolean value indicating if the local user is pinned or not.

  • roomJoined: A boolean value indicating if the local user is in the meeting

  • roomState: Indicates the state of the user in the meeting. It can take the following values:

    "init" | "joined" | "waitlisted" | "rejected" | "kicked" | "left" | "ended" | "disconnected"
// subscribe to roomState
const roomState = useDyteSelector((m) => m.self.roomState)

return (
{roomState === "disconnected" && <div>disconnected</div>}

Change the name of the local user

Change the user's name by calling setName method. The changed name will reflect across all participants ONLY if the change happens before joining the meeting.

await meeting.self.setName('New Name');


Mute/Unmute microphone

// Mute Audio
await meeting.self.disableAudio();

// Unmute Audio
await meeting.self.enableAudio();

// Get current status

Enable/Disable camera

// Disable Video
await meeting.self.disableVideo();

// Enable Video
await meeting.self.enableVideo();

// Get current status

Enable / Disable Screen share

// Enable Screenshare
await meeting.self.enableScreenShare();

// Disable Screenshare
await meeting.self.disableScreenShare();

// Get current status