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Manage Participants

This section explains how to list and manage participants in your Dyte app.

Listing Participants

To show the list of participants in your app, you can use the DyteParticipantsFragment class.

You can create an instance of this class and call the show method to display the list of current participants as shown below:

val dyteParticipantsFragment = DyteParticipantsFragment()

It should show something like below, with the list of participants in the room:

Host Controls

If you are the host of the room, you will see the host controls when you click the three-dot menu on the top right corner of the participants list. The host controls allow you to manage the participants in the room.

The host controls include the following options:

  • Mute/Unmute: Mute or unmute a participant.
  • Kick: Kick a participant from the room.
  • Pin: Pin a participant's video.
  • Turn off video: Turn off a participant's video.

You can also use these methods from our participant object to perform these actions programmatically.

val participant = meeting.participants.joined.firstOrNull { == participantId }

participant?.let { pcpt ->
// To disable a participant's video stream

// To disable a participant's audio stream

// To kick a participant from the meeting

You can also pin or unpin a participant in the meeting. All "pinned" participants are added to the meeting.participants.pinned map.

val participant = meeting.participants.joined.firstOrNull { == participantId }

participant?.let { pcpt ->
// To pin a participant;

// To unpin a participant